My Meandering Mind

A chronicle of the daily minutia that weaves together our daily lives

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Glass Tables, FlossPics, Smelly Workers and Unfriendly Gas Pumps

So, here's the observations of yesterday:

While Trixie and I were perusing the selections at a local furniture store, particuarly in the kitchen sets area, we overheard a snippet of a conversation, which as you know can be quite fun, because snippets remove context.

"I don't like them glass tables. I don't like to see people's legs."

Fillin' 'er up yesterday afternoon at a rural Missouri pump, I glance down to the ground.

Sitting there, between my vehicle and the pump, directly below the handle, but still on the ground... a floss pic.

So let me get this straight. Your hygenic emergency was so urgent that you flossed while you pumped?

So, as I'm finishing up my gas pumping, floss pic detecting experience, the pump handle clicks, indicating a full tank. The pay at the pump machine asks me if I want a receipt and I push the NO button. It then jumps to the PLEASE INSERT CREDIT CARD OR PAY CASHIER WHEN FINISHED screen. I GOT NO THANK YOU! Every time I fill up I say NO to the receipt, but I always get a THANK YOU AND COME AGAIN. Not this pump! Impersonal bastard.

Later in the evening Trixie and I went to another furniture establishment to pick up a special order item. The kind worker, who looked extraordinarily out of place at the store, helped us load our purchase. After 15 minutes of wrestling with 3 packages, twining and bungeeing down the hatches, etc., we were on our way.

Trixie then says, "That guy stunk."

to which I respond:

"Really? I didn't notice that he stunk. However, he did look like he would stink."


At 3:29 PM, Blogger SayUnderpants said...

I hate it when gas pumps don't say "thank you"! It makes me think that something malfunctioned and I'm going to end up driving away without paying for the gas - and that is AGAINST THE LAW!

At 5:59 AM, Blogger HemisphereDancer said...

I always think the next sum'bitch is gonna get gas courtesy of my credit card!


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