My Meandering Mind

A chronicle of the daily minutia that weaves together our daily lives

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Hey Pilgrim Boy!

Okay, so there was one time, back when I was probably in First or Second grade when I, along with the rest of the class, was asked to dress like a Pilgrim at school.

So, me, never being one for details, quickly tuned out and went about planning my Pilgrim get-up.

I went home that evening and told my mom I needed to be a Pilgrim the next day and that she needed to make me a know, like right now.

So, we quickly assembled a hodge-podge of items laying about the house.

My black shirt, pants and cape (never mind it was lined with red taffeta) from the Dracula Halloween costume were employed as the outfit's base.

A white over-the-shoulders thingy was fashioned from something or another and draped over my shoulders.

Being the early 80's, in the haze of Urban Cowboy madness, we added my cowboy boots to the mix.

Now for a paper and a Quaker Oats box will do the trick...

A hatchet and shoe buckles were made from construction paper.

We were done!

I had it!

I barely slept that night, excited about having the coolest Pilgrim costume ever to wear to school the next day.

Bright and early next morning, I donned the masterpiece of creation.

I walked to my bus stop, and nobody else was dressed up!

Lame man, really lame. You guys have NO SPIRIT!

I rode the bus, and again...I was the only one Pilgrimed Up!

Cruising down the hall and to my class...FUCKING BULL TITS! AM I THE ONLY PILGRIM HERE???

I then begin to endure a verbal assault so piercing I still to this day cannot talk about it without a drink in my hand. (I keep whiskey in my desk drawer...I'm coping as I'm writing)


You get it..HARSH for Second graders...

I make the way to my class, dodging the volleys being launched in my direction.

It's then that it happens.

My teacher, the pig faced bitch, asks me why I'm dressed as a Pilgrim.

Because you told us to.

Yes, I did tell you all to.


Today's Tuesday.

The blood flushed from my face like never before.



I think my intestines gurgled...

Quickly, I ran to my cubbie hole to find my gym clothes.


At home, in the laundry.

In the time before political correctness and over sensitivity, what was I forced to do all day?

You got it...sit in my buckles, hat and cape.

Fucking Pilgrims.


At 1:21 PM, Blogger Pixie said...

LMAO Awww that is such a sad ( but funny ) story I cant help feel for you.
I like the "Quaker oat box" touch keeping in with the whole outfit theme.
Where you forever know as "remember *insert name here* the guy who came to school dresses as a pilgrim" for the rest of your school days.
Luck for me the UK didnt bother will all that dressing up and such back in the olden days..

At 2:05 PM, Blogger SayUnderpants said...

J and I should have a Halloween party so you can dress up like a pilgrim! Date and time to follow...and DO try to pay attention...

At 2:05 PM, Blogger Nobody said...

he he he. I wish that you could hear me laughing right now. THis blog just made my fucking day!!! I SOOOOO feel for you ;-)

God, I miss those days. Now you can't even say the word "Indian" in school without getting sent to sensitivity training?! WHat has the world come to...

Bless the Quaker Oats hat days!!!

At 4:43 PM, Blogger KC said...

You made my day! Thanks because this is the kind of day when I needed a good laugh. Sorry it had to be at your expense. Any other costumes in your closet we should know about?

At 11:07 AM, Blogger HemisphereDancer said...

Pixie I can't imagine the UK celebrating our Thanksgiving...or do you celebrate YAY! We got rid of the Yanks!

Fortunately, I was not tormented for too long. Not that I redeemed myself through some playground, my family moved.

I'm glad everyone had a good laugh...I know I sure did!

Maybe I'll tell you about my Michael Jackson phase some sicko's...when I was a kid.

At 8:01 AM, Blogger Pixie said...

LOL no we dont but I have always been "drawn" to that holiday and Halloween ..I think I am American in spirit, I even feel as if I have arrived "Home" here strange as it may sound.

HD..Can you moonwalk then too ? If you can I will be very impressed!

At 8:19 AM, Blogger HemisphereDancer said...

That's an entirely different story that ends with me vomiting after break-dancing.

I'll be unravelling that little nugget next week.


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