Remember When Cable Companies Were Really Stupid?
Remember Cube Cable?
Remember the "remote" control that actually had a cord running from the "remote" to the cable box on top of your TV?
Remember that there were certain shows that asked you to "vote" using your remote?
Remember that you could watch the porno channel for "up to 2 minutes" and not be charged?
My God, how long did it take a bunch of 12 year old boys to figure out that you could watch 1:59 consecutive minutes, wait 10 seconds, switch back and not get charged?
Only a few years later the cable company figured out that it might make more money if they charged for anything over two cumulative minutes.
Remember the "parental key" that could lock out certain channels?
12 year old boys? HA! I watched the porn channel for 1:59 seconds after school EVERDAY. and there were three channels showing porn at any given time so that's nearly 6 minutes of porn viewing. switching it on and then back off real quick trying to see if a "good part" was on wasted alot of my valuable porn seconds :-(
did you ever try running the cable through a FM radio tuner and using that as a descrambler? it worked good enough, although it was hard to follow the plot :)
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