My Meandering Mind

A chronicle of the daily minutia that weaves together our daily lives

Friday, April 08, 2005

A Thought

Why does the press report on, or for that matter, why is the President's Approval Rating tracked? I understand his approval rating helps him win key votes on close legislation, but what does the opinion of the American Public have to do with anything at this point? It's not like he can run for a 3rd term in office...

Just a thought.

Oh, and I just thought I'd share that kids wearing suits are creepy.

And, last night while lying in bed reading A WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY - A BLUEPRINT FOR THE FUTURE, written by the Honorable Newt Gingrich in 1984, my wife couldn't stop laughing at the name Newt. She kept rhyming words with Newt like, That Newt...he's a hoot! Or, Hey Newt...nice suit! To which I responded, sweetheart, your point is moot.


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