My Meandering Mind

A chronicle of the daily minutia that weaves together our daily lives

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Childhood Memories

In packing for the move to the new home, I came across boxes of childhood crap my mom somehow snuck past me and into our basement...

Actually, I came across some pretty funny shit. Here's a short list:

A crayon drawing I made of a tall building, a helicopter and limousine. Waiting outside the building, is a doorman and above his head is a marquee that says "Rich People Only Tonight. Welcome Arnold and Willis". Judging from the quality of the penmanship and the drawing itself, I couldn't have been more that 6 years old. God, that blue blood started flowing early in life.

In a little "write n' draw" book I made for my parents in either kindergarten or first grade, I espoused upon which subjects I enjoyed and which ones I didn't. I didn't like math, and school was bigging me alot, but I liked reading and speling.


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