Fucking Moose Tits! It's COLD!
So, thanks to Nervous Thoughts, I've been brought out of my slumber, very unlike the plants in the pictures here. . .
What's been going on? Do you even care? Do I even care?
Well, I survived my first semester back in COLLIGE.
Happy to report my 3.93 GPA. It would have been a 4.0, but the leftist whack-job who "doesn't beleive in grades" and who "gives everyone a B on the first exam" (I'm not making this shit up...a product of the 'everybody gets a trophy-ization' of America) gave me an A-.
I'm appealing it.
All set to graduate in May 2008, if I don't take a job that someone called me about.
"Every time I think I'm out, they pull me back in!"