My Meandering Mind

A chronicle of the daily minutia that weaves together our daily lives

Monday, May 02, 2005

I know, but he is visionary...

As a republican, I'm often confronted by liberals that make the jump that since I'm a republican, I toe the party line and agree with everything every republican says. That's not quite the case. I'm a moderate republican and have an open mind. I often hear that Newt Gingrich is the antichrist and right of Hitler. Now, while Newt is a tad bit more conservative than most , he does posess a brilliant and visionary mind.

Consider what he wrote in 1984:

"Technology will soon allow millions to work from home. Already, firms are experimenting with work stations in the home by using telephone lines to carry information to the worker instead of highways to carry the worker to the information."

"Today, most working people pay for transportation to and from work, parking while they work, and a commercially prepared lunch. Deduct these hidden costs and take home pay increases drastically."

"More importantly, the family unit will be strengthened by the shift to working at home; once you control your own time, you are free to schedule that birthday party or Cub Scout meeting which used to be so troublesome."

"The most powerful force changing our society is the information revolution. The great changing force is a synergism of essentially six parts:

1. Computers
2. Cable and telephone wiring of our communities
3. Satellite distribution for global and long distance transmission
4. Television and radio broadcasting
5. A knowledge base which has been growing for thousands of years and is now doubling every few years
6. The miniaturization of components and systems."

"The salient reality of the information age is that knowledge will be stored, shipped, and processed electronically; that it will exist in such vast and rapidly changing quantities that people will seek to avoid all information except what they need to know and what amuses them; and that it will be at their fingertips through electronic systems."

Makes ya think, don't it?


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