My Meandering Mind

A chronicle of the daily minutia that weaves together our daily lives

Friday, January 07, 2005

There's a story behind everything...

There's a story behind everything and even if you make the story up, the story is the best part of seeing funny shit.

Take for instance what I saw when leaving my office this afternoon.

I'm leaving the parking lot of my building, and in turning onto the street, I'm nearly made a posthumous philanthropist by a lights - a - flashin', we're haulin' ass!!! ambulance. As I follow the vehicle across my field of vision, my eyes are drawn to an object sweeping along the ground at breakneck speed. It tumbles and twists, and when it finally comes to rest, I see what it is - a purple dyed hair weave. In light of its journey...of which I've witnessed only fifteen's in pretty good shape. I make a right turn and head home.

Somewhere out there, tonight - a cold night at that - someone is without their hair. Or part of their hair anyway. How did this happen? Where or where did you come from hair?

Was the owner a victim of a weavejacking? Were the ambulance and the weave braided into the same story? Does the owner have a backup weave? Will they need to purchase a new one before Monday? What if the weave store is closed this weekend? What if she has a second date tonight, and her companion has only seen her in the weave? Will she be recognized? Will she still have a chance at love? Have the turn of events possibly ruined her chances for marriage? Does the carpet still match the drapes?

What if our weaveless friend is leaving today -going out of the country with her boyfriend??? I'm sure TSA is going to give the situation extra scrutiny. "I'm sorry ma'am, the woman in this passport photo obviously has a weave. You're bald. Come with me please." So she misses her flight, her boyfriend meets someone else on the plane and the love between them is now as lost as the weave. It's not out of the realm of possibility!

Ahhh today is payday. How's a weaveless person going to cash a check with picture ID that clearly shows a person WITH a weave? So, no money for the weekend. Now she's got to hold off on buying groceries...a new weave...and perscription medicine. She suffers a massive infarction over the weaveless weekend, and without money for nitroglycerine tablets, she dies.

Can it not happen? To think, she could have gone to Europe, cashed her paycheck and remained among the living souls on Earth...if she'd have simply secured her weave.


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